Dramaturgy by Sarah Elkashef, Directed by Harrison Thomas. Synopsis : In the perfect little town of Neptune everything is just wonderful. Just so, so, wonderful. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
Dramaturgy by Dean Fleming. Synopsis : Kora Davis sues the government for its role in the Global Warming crisis. Will the court offer restitution for our pollution or will our pride put the issues on the wayside? A play written for young audiences.
Dramaturgy by Erin Shields. Synopsis : Dorian paints a painting that calls something from beyond the grave. This forces Macy, Lauren, and Tom to confront the traumatic death of their friend, Angeline, who drowned in a swimming pool eight years prior.
Dramaturgy by Maureen Labonté. Synopsis : Iphigenia begs for her life. Clytemnestra struggles between her role as her mother and the queen.
Dramaturgy by Jonathan Garfinkel, Directed by Judy Wensel. Synopsis : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... 7? In this absurd world only one thing matters: counting to 7. And then one day one brave soul tries to rebel against it all.
Mentored by Frank Weigand, Directed by Kristo Sagor. Synopsis : Patrick learns something about his unborn brother and goes on a journey of discovery. Translated from the original German play Patrick's Trick by Kristo Sagor. A collaboration between the first and second year students of the NTS Playwriting program with second and third year students in the French Écriture Dramatique program.
Dramaturgy by/Developed with Doug Price. Synopsis : A musical about a group of Martian Colonists come to turn the sweet Avocado Martian Crust into Guacamole. When all the chips are down, everyone must band together or face the avo-pocalypse. A collaboration between the students in NTS playwriting department.
Dramaturgy by Brian Drader. Synopsis : It's Ryan and Eli's first Christmas after moving in together. What results: hilarity, and a gay-old-time. But there in the corner, haunting their Christmas tree, is a secret that threatens to destroy them both.
Dramaturgy by Nick Carpenter. Synopsis : Titania and Oberon adopt a child who gets cancer. Adapted from Chris Adrian's short story featured online in The New Yorker magazine: 'A Tiny Feast.'
Dramaturgy : Nick Carpenter, Brian Drader, Sarah Elkashef, Dean Fleming, Erin Shields Writing Workshops : Jonathan Garfinkel, Iris Turcott Play Factory Director : Sarah Elkashef, Erin Shields Playlabs : Brian Drader Writing for Television : Bobby Theodore Translation Project : Frank Weigand, Kristo Sagor Writing For Video Games : Jill Murray, Tanya Short Theatre for Young Audiences : Dean Patrick Fleming 15 Minute Play Project : Jonathan Garfinkel, Judy Wensel Musical Theatre Workshop : Doug Price Poetics : Brian Drader The Business of Playwriting : Andrea Romaldi Adaptation : Nick Carpenter Canadian Plays and Playwrights : Erin Shields European Plays and Playwrights : Jonathan Garfinkel Writing For The Digital Age : Ivana Shein Alternative Narrative : Sarah Elkashef Immersive Multi-Medial Workshop : Amy Chartrand, Moment Factory Theatre History : Susan Williams Altered Truths : Maureen Labonté Great Ideas : Michael Mackenzie Neutral Mask : David Latham Jeu : Adam Lazarus Movement : Zach Fraser, Rebecca Harper Guest Seminars & Resident Playwrights : Nicolas Billon, Robert Chafe, Anna Chatterton, Beth Graham, Joseph Jomo Pierre, Colleen Murphy, Hannah Moscovitch, Jordan Tannahill Other : Banff Playwrights Lab
2018 | Watch Me Drown - [UPCOMING] Reading at the Alumnae Festival; Toronto, ON. |
2017 | Silence and the Machine - Produced by Theatre BSMT; Calgary, AB. |
2017 | Iphigenia - Produced at the National 10 Minute Play Festival; Newmarket, ON. |
2016 | Angry Crayon Flowers - Commissioned and Produced with the Citadel theatre at the ENCOUNTERS festival; Edmonton, AB |
2016 | Silence and the Machine - Produced at the Nextfest Festival; Edmonton, AB. |
2015 | The Boy With No Face - Developed with the Citadel Playwright's Forum; Edmonton, AB. |
2015 | (un)Known Stories - Developed and Produced with the In Arms Theatre Collective at the Edmonton Fringe; Edmonton, AB |
2015 | Silence and the Machine - Developped and Produced at the University of Alberta Drama Department's New Works Festival; Edmonton, AB. |
2014 | DIG - Developed with the Citadel Young Playwriting Company; Edmonton, AB |
2014 | All That's Left - Produced at the New Works Festival; Edmonton, AB. |
SILENCE AND THE MACHINE: Theatre BSMT's Dweller's Playwriting Competition - 1st Place (2017)
IPHIGENIA: The National Newmarket 10 Minute Play Competition - 2nd Place (2017)
FAGS IN SPACE: Ottawa Little Theatre's National Playwriting Competition - Dorothy White Award (2017)
FRANK BUECKERT PRIZE: Awarded to a student at the University of Alberta who demonstrates aptitude and promise in playwriting. (2015)
DIG: Alberta Playwriting Competition - Honorary Mention (2015)
Science Fiction, Queer Theatre, Rap.