Photo(s): Maxime Côté

Rachel Ganz

Playwriting (2016)

Vacuum [2016] - 70 minutes, 6 actors
Dramaturgy by Sarah Elkashef. Directed Carly Chamberlain. Synopsis : The D.D. Donado Home For The Socially Upsetting has been disposing of thousands of women's souls for centuries and tonight one woman attempts to disenfranchise the entire institution.
Plucked [2015] - 90 minutes, 6 actors
Dramaturgy by Jonathan Garfinkel. Synopsis : Set on a farm where the chickens were once women and the rooster was once a patriarch, PLUCKED uses bluegrass music and absurdist comedy to narrate a young woman's escape from domestication.
The Agony of a Groaning Door [2015] - 15 minutes, 6 actors
Dramaturgy by Jonathan Garfinkel and Carly Chamberlain. Directed by Carly Chamberlain. Synopsis : A fantasia inspired by mother nature and her many cunts.
The Dumb War [2014] - 60 minutes, 2 actors
Dramaturgy by Brian Drader. Synopsis : When Shawna's father adopts Ina into their family, the two girls are forced to share a room together. As the adoptive sisters fight for their right to space and safety in their shared home, their conflict takes the form of a territorial war thereby displaying the ease and magnificence of modern warfare.
Under the direction of Brian Drader
Dramaturgy : Nick Carpenter, Brian Drader, Sarah Elkashef, Dean Fleming, Jonathan Garfinkel, Maureen Labonte Writing Workshops : Brian Drader, Jonathan Garfinkel, Iris Turcott Playlabs : Brian Drader Writing for Television : Bobby Theodore Writing For Video Games : Jill Murray, Tanya Short Theatre for Young Audiences : Dean Patrick Fleming, Sarah Elkashef Poetics : Brian Drader The Business of Playwriting : Brian Drader Adaptation : Nick Carpenter Canadian Plays and Playwrights : Erin Shields European Plays and Playwrights : Jonathan Garfinkel Writing For The Digital Age : Ivana Shein Theatre History : Susan Williams, Robin Whittaker Altered Truths : Maureen Labonté Play Analysis : Alisa Palmer, Ann-Marie MacDonald, Tomson Highway, Anusree Roy, Djanet Sears Great Ideas : Michael Mackenzie Neutral Mask : David Latham Jeu : Adam Lazarus Authentic Movement : Tedi Tafel Movement : Rebecca Harper Guest Seminars & Resident Playwrights : Nicolas Billon, Chantal Bilodeau, Robert Chafe, Anna Chatterton, Beverley Cooper, Jonathan Garfinkel, Beth Graham, Tomson Highway, Anosh Irani, Joseph Jomo Pierre, Daniel Karasik, Colleen Murphy, Haley McGee, Hanna Moscovitch, Ivana Shein, Jordan Tannahill, Marcus Youssef Other : Banff Playwrights Colony
2012Playwriting and Dramaturgy Class with Brian Quirt, Tarragon Theatre, Toronto, ON
2012Second City Sketch Comedy Writing, Levels 1 and 2, Second City Theatre, Toronto, ON
2011Master Playwriting Class with Paula Wing, Tarragon Theatre, Toronto, ON
2015The Dumb War - Playwright, Toronto, ON
2013Plasterface - Playwright and Performer, Toronto, ON
2014Rhyme, Reason or Otherwise - Playwright, Toronto, ON
2014Benji Boy - Playwright, Toronto, ON
2013Plasterface - Playwright, Toronto, ON
2013The Long Run - Playwright, Toronto, ON
2012Contributor to City Voices: A Book of Monologues, Toronto, ON
2011-2012Contributor to Nest Magazine, Toronto, ON
The Cybil Cook Award For A Play Written For Children Or Young People, Ottawa Little Theatre's 74th National One-Act Playwriting Competition, Ottawa, ON (2015)
University of Toronto One-Act Festival Recognition for Writing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON (2012)
The Hart House Players One-Act Award, Hart House Theatre, Toronto, ON (2012)
Libretto, comedy writing, stand-up comedy, hosting and public speaking