• listening room shayna

    The Listening Room by Michaela Jeffery (Playwriting, 2016), directed by Tanya Rintoul (Directing, 2016)

    Pictured: Shayna Virginillo (Acting, 2016)

    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • listening room tim

    The Listening Room by Michaela Jeffery (Playwriting, 2016), directed by Tanya Rintoul (Directing, 2016)

    Pictured: Tim Dowler-Coltman (Acting, 2016)

    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • listening room ben

    The Listening Room by Michaela Jeffery (Playwriting, 2016), directed by Tanya Rintoul (Directing, 2016)

    Pictured: Ben Sutherland (Acting, 2016)

    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • listening room

    The Listening Room by Michaela Jeffery (Playwriting, 2016), directed by Tanya Rintoul (Directing, 2016)

    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • listening room maddie

    The Listening Room by Michaela Jeffery (Playwriting, 2016), directed by Tanya Rintoul (Directing, 2016)

    Pictured: Maddalena Vallecchi Williams (Acting, 2016)

    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • listening room erik

    The Listening Room by Michaela Jeffery (Playwriting, 2016), directed by Tanya Rintoul (Directing, 2016)

    Pictured: Erik Berg (Acting, 2016)

    Photo by Maxime Côté

Spectacles des Finissants


New Words Festival 2016 - The Listening Room

by Michaela Jeffery (Playwriting, 2016)
Directed by Tanya Rintoul (Directing, 2016)

Retour à la liste
des spectacles

du 25 avril au 30 avril 2016

lundi 25 avril : 19 h 30

mercredi 27 avril : 21 h

jeudi 28 avril : 18 h 30

vendredi 29 avril : 21 h

samedi 30 avril : 14 h


Studio Hydro-Québec

1182, boul. Saint-Laurent, Montréal
métro Saint-Laurent ou Place d'Armes

Coût du billet : 10 $

Réservation téléphonique :


Des frais supplémentaires de 3,50 $ par billet s'appliquent lors des réservations téléphoniques.

Please note that the performances on April 29 and April 30 are sold out.


The New Words Festival is a yearly theatrical event showcasing new plays written, directed, designed, produced and acted by the NTS graduating class.


Potent and topical, THE LISTENING ROOM is a powerful new political drama set at the turn of the next century. At the heart of a forgotten society calling itself ‘The Earie,’ young dissidents use radio telescopes to salvage fragments of earlier civilizations still ricocheting between stars.


The National Theatre School of Canada would like to thank The Banff Center Playwrights Colony for supporting the development of this play.


Michaela Jeffery is a graduating Playwriting student at the National Theatre School. She was awarded Alberta Theatre Projects' Enbridge Playwrights Award in the Emerging Playwright category for her play Going West. Her play Always, won the second place in The Wildfire National Playwriting Competition, as well as the Dorothy White Award from the Ottawa Little Theatre’s National One-Act Playwriting Competition. In June 2015, her play Godhead was brought to the stage at the Sunset Theatre in Wells, BC.


Tanya Rintoul is a director and theatre maker originally from Toronto, Ontario currently in her graduating year in the National Theatre School of Canada’s Directing program. Recent directing credits at the school include: Gruesome Playground Injuries by Rajiv Joseph, Flesh and Other Fragments of Love by Évelyne de la Chenelière, Expanding Concepts of Dislocated Space and Associated Boundaries by Michaela Jeffery and assistant director of Brecht’s Caucasian Chalk Circle directed by Micheline Chevrier. Previous directing credits include Othello (Go Play Producing), Mammy Queen (Rock Paper Sistahz Festival), Sycorax and the Angel (Paprika Festival) and No Time for Dreams (barking birds theatre at the Toronto Fringe). She is also a graduate of the Humber College Theatre Performance program and last performed in a site-specific one-woman show she wrote called Good Girl. Upcoming projects: New Words Festival (NTS) and assistant directing for Ann-Marie Kerr on Love Play (NTS).

Cast : 2016 Graduating Actors

Erik Berg
Tim Dowler-Coltman
Ben Sutherland
Maddalena Vallecchi Williams
Shayna Virginillo

Design/Production Team

2016 Graduating students of the Set and Costume Design and Production programs

Adriana Bogaard
Set designer

Oleksandra Lykova
Patrick Peachey Higdon
Set Assistants

Loïc Lacroix Hoy
Set design coach

Renée Sawtelle
Costume designer

Fruszina Lanji
Costume design coach

Lucia Corak
Lighting Designer

Thomas Geddes
Sound Designer

Jessie Paynter
Video designer

David Costello
Production Manager

Steven Smits
Technical Director