• Happy Days

    Samuel Beckett's Happy Days, directed by Carly Chamberlain (Directing, 2016)
    Starring Lucy Peacock (Acting, 1983)
    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • Happy Days

    Samuel Beckett's Happy Days, directed by Carly Chamberlain (Directing, 2016)
    Starring Lucy Peacock (Acting, 1983)
    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • Happy Days

    Samuel Beckett's Happy Days, directed by Carly Chamberlain (Directing, 2016)
    Starring Lucy Peacock (Acting, 1983)
    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • Poster

    Happy Days by Samuel Beckett
    Directed by Carly Chamberlain

  • Set

    Set design by Renée Sawtelle

  • Costume design

    Costume design by Alexandre Lord

Spectacles des Finissants


Happy Days

de Samuel Beckett
Mise en scène: Carly Chamberlain

Retour à la liste
des spectacles

du 9 décembre au 12 décembre 2015

Veuillez noter que la générale du 8 décembre est accessible gratuitement sur la base du premier arrivé, premier servi. Pas de réservation nécessaire.

mercredi 9 décembre : 20 h

jeudi 10 décembre : 20 h

vendredi 11 décembre : 14 h 30

samedi 12 décembre : 20 h

École nationale de théâtre

Salle Pauline-McGibbon

5030, rue Saint-Denis
Métro Laurier

Coût du billet : Gratuit

Admission générale. Premier arrivé, premier servi.

Every second year, the National Theatre School’s graduating Directing students present their final personal projects, in which they collaborate with professional actors and designers, as well as with the School’s Production and Set and Costume Design students. These personal projects are a unique occasion for the graduating directors to embrace works, techniques and forms that they find equally compelling and challenging.


Carly Chamberlain chose Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days as her personal project because of the “dual experience of feeling really excited but also very scared” she went through when she rediscovered the play many years after initially reading it. “I could not immediately see how I would do it… So I chose to gravitate towards the unknown.” In Happy Days, Winnie, buried to her waist, follows her daily routine and prattles on to her mostly invisible and very taciturn husband, Willie. Her frequent refrain, as she roller-coasters between elation and anxiety, remains “Oh this is a happy day.” Happy Days features Lucy Peacock (Acting, 1983) and Al Goulem.


Carly Chamberlain is a graduating Directing student at the National Theatre School of Canada. Credits at the school have included I am the wind by Jon Fosse, The Agony of the Groaning Door by Rachel Ganz, and assistant directing for Alisa Palmer’s production of Love and Information by Caryl Churchill. Selected credits: Vinegar Tom (Playwright Project), Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) (Hart House Theatre) and Overruled/Romance (Neoteny Theatre). As an actor she appeared in more than 15 Shakespearean productions, including playing Isabella in Measure for Measure and Olivia in Twelfth Night with Shakespeare by the Sea in Halifax. Upcoming: New Words Festival (NTS); assistant directing for Alisa Palmer on Hamlet (NTS) and The Body Politic (Buddies in Bad Times).


Lucy Peacock (Acting, 1983)
Al Goulem

Design/Production Team

Carly Chamberlain

Daniel Bennett
Stage Manager

Renée Sawtelle
Set Designer

Alexandra Lord
Costume Designer

Brandon Hepworth
Lighting Designer

Jesse Peter Ash (Production 2007)
Sound Designer

Marc Lavallee
Production Manager / Technical Director

Victoria Morrison
Head Carpentry / Head Lighting_

Adam Walters

Samantha Nyinawumuntu

Camille Pelletier
Assistant to Set Designers