jul533585@gmail.com | juliephan.art
Julie Phan 潘家雯 feels empty inside. If this McGill dropout was a piece of art, she would be the 2004 Quiznos Spongmonkey Campaign. She is a Hoklo-Vietnamese writer, actor and pole artist based in Toronto and Montreal completing her final year as a playwriting student at the National Theatre School of Canada and developing a solo show under Buddies in Bad Times Theatre’s Seeding Work initiative. She is best known for disappointing her father and her work with fu-GEN asian theatre company (double bill, fearless).
Fine China (Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2019)
Queer Emerging Artist Awards (Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, 2021)
Wildfire National Playwriting Competition, First Prize (Major Matt Mason Collective, 2021) for CPC Barbie
Tom Hendry Awards – Robert Beardsley Award, Winner (Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2019) for Fine China
Teenjur Award (Toronto Fringe, 2018) for Fine China
never walk alone. paprika festival (digital) 2020
five. soulpepper city youth academy 2019
hi… we’re gonna go pick up drugs. fu-gen 2019
fine china. fu-gen 2019
fine china. toronto fringe 2018
double bill: fine china. saigon lotus in collaboration with fu-gen 2019
toronto fringe: fine china. the woodlands theatre company 2018
Paprika Playwrights Unit, Paprika Festival 2020 (Bilal Baig)
City Youth Academy, Soulpepper Theatre 2019 (Jennifer Villaverde and others)
Young Playwrights Unit, Tarragon 2016 (Anne Wessel, Paula Wing, Caitie Graham)