Julie Phan 潘家雯

    Playwriting (2022)

    jul533585@gmail.com | juliephan.art

    Julie Phan 潘家雯 feels empty inside. If this McGill dropout was a piece of art, she would be the 2004 Quiznos Spongmonkey Campaign. She is a Hoklo-Vietnamese writer, actor and pole artist based in Toronto and Montreal completing her final year as a playwriting student at the National Theatre School of Canada and developing a solo show under Buddies in Bad Times Theatre’s Seeding Work initiative. She is best known for disappointing her father and her work with fu-GEN asian theatre company (double bill, fearless).

    published works:

    Fine China (Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2019)

    awards and distinctions:

    Queer Emerging Artist Awards (Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, 2021)
    Wildfire National Playwriting Competition, First Prize (Major Matt Mason Collective, 2021) for CPC Barbie
    Tom Hendry Awards – Robert Beardsley Award, Winner (Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2019) for Fine China
    Teenjur Award (Toronto Fringe, 2018) for Fine China

    other theatrical experience:


    never walk alone. paprika festival (digital) 2020
    five. soulpepper city youth academy 2019
    hi… we’re gonna go pick up drugs. fu-gen 2019
    fine china. fu-gen 2019
    fine china. toronto fringe 2018


    double bill: fine china. saigon lotus in collaboration with fu-gen 2019
    toronto fringe: fine china. the woodlands theatre company 2018

    selected training:

    Paprika Playwrights Unit, Paprika Festival 2020 (Bilal Baig)
    City Youth Academy, Soulpepper Theatre 2019 (Jennifer Villaverde and others)
    Young Playwrights Unit, Tarragon 2016 (Anne Wessel, Paula Wing, Caitie Graham)