• Gruesome Playground Injuries

    Gruesome Playground Injuries by Rajiv Joseph
    Directed by Tanya Rintoul
    Distribution: Mike Hughes and Bahia Watson
    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • Gruesome Playground Injuries

    Gruesome Playground Injuries by Rajiv Joseph
    Directed by Tanya Rintoul
    Distribution: Mike Hughes and Bahia Watson
    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • Gruesome Playground Injuries

    Gruesome Playground Injuries by Rajiv Joseph
    Directed by Tanya Rintoul
    Distribution: Mike Hughes and Bahia Watson
    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • Gruesome Playground Injuries

    Gruesome Playground Injuries by Rajiv Joseph
    Directed by Tanya Rintoul
    Distribution: Mike Hughes and Bahia Watson
    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • Gruesome Playground Injuries

    Gruesome Playground Injuries by Rajiv Joseph
    Directed by Tanya Rintoul
    Distribution: Mike Hughes and Bahia Watson
    Photo by Maxime Côté

  • Set
  • Costumes

    Gruesome Playground Injuries by Rajiv Joseph, directed by Tanya Rintoul
    Costume design by Alexandra Lord (Set and Costume Design, 2015)

Graduating class performances


Gruesome Playground Injuries

by Rajiv Joseph
Directed by Tanya Rintoul

Return to list
of performances

from November 25 to November 28, 2015

Please note that the preview on November 24 is open to all. Attendance is free on a first come, first served basis. No reservations necessary.

Wednesday November 25: 8 pm

Thursday November 26: 8 pm

Friday November 27: 8 pm

Saturday November 28: 3 pm

National Theatre School

Pauline-McGibbon Studio

5030, Saint-Denis Street Between Saint-Joseph Blvd. and Laurier Street
Laurier Metro

Ticket price: Free

General admission. First come, first served.

Every second year, the National Theatre School’s graduating Directing students present their final personal projects, in which they collaborate with professional actors and designers, as well as with the School’s Production and Set and Costume Design students. These personal projects are a unique occasion for the graduating directors to embrace works, techniques and forms that they find equally compelling and challenging.


Gruesome Playground Injuries follows two friends who reconnect at different moments of their lives, each time attempting to nurse their physical wounds – whether accidental, self-inflicted or the result of fights—and struggling to find their respective truth through the chaos of psychological pain. “Doug and Kayleen–respectively played by Mike Hugues and Bahia Watson – find support in each other, at various stages of their lives and through traumatic experiences, but what’s even most interesting, and what I want to share with the audience, is how acknowledging their own experiences eventually allows them to simply be”, says Tanya Rintoul.


Tanya Rintoul is a director and theatre maker originally from Toronto, Ontario currently in her graduating year in the National Theatre School of Canada’s Directing program. Recent directing credits at the school include: Flesh and Other Fragments of Love by Évelyne de la Chenelière, Expanding Concepts of Dislocated Space and Associated Boundaries by Michaela Jeffery and assistant director of Brecht’s Caucasian Chalk Circle directed by Micheline Chevrier. Previous directing credits include Othello (Go Play Producing), Mammy Queen (Rock Paper Sistahz Festival), Sycorax and the Angel (Paprika Festival) and No Time for Dreams (barking birds theatre at the Toronto Fringe). She is also a graduate of the Humber College Theatre Performance program and last performed in a site-specific one-woman show she wrote called Good Girl. Upcoming projects: New Words Festival (NTS) and assistant directing for Ann-Marie Kerr on Love Play (NTS).

Read our interview with director Tanya Rintoul.


Mike Hughes
Bahia Watson

Design/Production Team

Tanya Rintoul

Crystal Laffoley
Stage Manager

Oleksandra Lykova
Set Designer

Alexandra Lord
Costume Designer

Brandon Hepworth
Lighting Designer

Jesse Peter Ash (Production 2007)
Sound Designer

Marc Lavallee
Production Manager / Technical Director

Victoria Morrison
Head Carpentry / Head Lighting_

Adam Walters

Samantha Nyinawamunyu

Camille Pelletier
Assistant to Set Designers